Elon Musk is arguably one of the most innovative and successful men in the world. Recently he walked into a local shop for a cup of coffee. When it was his turn to order, the girl behind the counter refused to serve him because he was wearing a hat with a message she found offensive. At this point the manager was called but she sided with her employee, refusing to serve the man a simple cup of coffee.
Interestingly, they both offered to serve him if he agreed to take off his hat! He would not do that and so they asked him to leave. He made no scene. Musk simply walked out. Both the manager and the employee had no idea who they had just refused to serve! They did not recognize him.
The story doesn’t end there. The next day Musk came back. This time he brought with him an entourage of experts and professionals, some of the best in their fields, to analyse the coffee shop. With clipboards and pens in hand they went through every aspect of the shop. With the use of cutting edge technology, Elon Musk wanted to help this small business thrive and at the same time operate in a way that was healthy for the environment. If the manager agreed, this coffee shop would become a powerful example of what is possible in the future.
What an amazing story! Now I know that Elon Musk isn’t Jesus, but what he did sure illustrates who Jesus is.
First, Jesus carries with him a message. To his disciples he explained, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus makes it clear that there is salvation in no other name or religion. Jesus’ message is unapologetically exclusive. That message is offensive to some and so they refuse to serve him. Either I accept what Jesus said as truth and follow him, or I reject what he said and ask him to get out of my shop! There is no middle ground.
Second, there are people who would happily serve Jesus if he would just remove or change his message. I had a conversation with a girl several years ago whose faith was shaken by a guy who said, “How can I believe in a God whom even I can out love!” Really! Someone should have asked him if his love included dying for someone else’s sins. What he was saying was that if Jesus changed his message he might consider serving him.
Third, and finally, the Apostle John shared that “[Jesus] came to his own, and his own people did not receive him” (John 1:11). They didn’t like his message so they asked, no, forced him to leave the shop (in a body bag). Did Jesus write them off? No! After his resurrection he came back with an invitation to receive forgiveness and life. That’s grace!
Jesus stands before all of us today, arms opened wide to receive all who will come. His message has not changed. It’s a message of grace, forgiveness and unconditional love. Would you be willing to serve a man like that?
Oh yes, the coffee shop story does have a good ending. The manager did apologize and accepted Elon Musk’s generous offer. In one word, that coffee shop has now been transformed!